A History of the Masters
The Masters program was founded by William (Bill) Clark in 1975.
Bill started weightlifting in 1959 when his boxing team was looking for an
off-season sport. There was not a state meet at the time, so he held the
very first one in Columbia in 1959. The idea of a Masters program came to
the table in 1973 at the AAU convention, and was approved by a laugh with
the mention of old people wanting to lift and compete. In 1974, only four
lifters entered the National Masters Meet – Jim Witt, Jack Lano, Wilbur
Miller, and Bill Clark. The Meet was cancelled that year. In 1975, the meet
was held in Columbia with 15 entries. Age groups were divided by 5 years
starting at the age of 40. Bill Clark was our first Masters Chairman and his
Vice Chair was Walter Imahara.
Initially, Masters included men only. In 1976, Bill violated the IWF rules
which limited lifting to males only, and worded a sanction which made a
combined Power/Olympic lifting competition into an all-female meet. It
broke the gender barrier and women’s weightlifting was off and running.
The World Masters program was also started about the same time. The
World Masters was held every year. The decision of where the competition
would take place was decided at their congress, which is the annual
meeting at the World Championships. All Masters Chairmen were allowed
a vote (one vote for each country). All elections for officers took place there
as well.
Women were eventually allowed to compete separately and another age
bracket was added (35-39).
Walter Imahara was voted in as the new Masters Chair after Bill Clark
stepped down. Walter was also the IWF Masters Chairman for 20 years. In
1996, Howard Cohen was voted Masters Chair and served until 2018, when his son Michael Cohen took over. Michael was re-elected to that position and serves currently.
USA Masters Rules
USA Masters follow the IMWA Masters rules, with some exceptions.
These are the exceptions:
* AGE GROUPS: The world age groups end with M85 and W75 while the USA masters have both men and women's age groups to infinity. The USA has added the 30-34 age bracket.
* Men are allowed to use the 15 kilo bar (or 10kg) if needed.
* Minimum weight on the bar is 20 kilos for men and women (except at Howard Cohen American Masters, where there are no Qualifying totals and the 5kg bar may be used, making the minimum starting weight 10kg.
* Spring collars are allowed.
* The USA Masters does not use a jury at our nationals, unless national referee testing is being done.
* Athletes who miss all 3 snatches are still allowed to clean and jerk in USA events
**National Masters records may only be broken at any of the 4 Master competitions throughout the year - to include USAMW National Masters, HCAM masters, IMWA Pan Am and World Masters Championships.
Masters Bodyweight Change Rule
*** The 2024 IMWA RULE Book states- Athletes cannot move to a higher or lower body weight category at the time of the weigh-in. USA Master events do NOT enforce this. However, athletes going up at weigh in Nationally will remain in their scheduled session.
WEIGH IN RULE: Athletes MUST be weighed in NUDE OR undergarments (articles of the athlete outfit: costume, unitard, shorts and T-shirt are not considered as undergarments). Athletes must not wear shoes or socks or any other footwear during weigh-in.
An athlete who is within the weight of the bodyweight category in which he / she is officially entered is weighed only once. An athlete who is under or over their officially entered bodyweight category may return to the weigh-in room as many times as necessary in order to make the bodyweight category. The returning athlete does not have to follow the sequence of weigh-in order.
Changing Weight Class An athlete may move to a lower weight class (by Verification Deadline) or move to a higher weight class. You may move to a lower class or higher class provided you have met the qualifying total for that class. For example, a 55kg athlete who has qualified with a total at 55kg that is above the 59kg minimum total may move to either the 49kg class or 59kg class
** The IMWA Masters follow and abide by all the IWF Rules relating to the following.
• The two lifts and general technical rules relating to the two lifts.
• Categories (body weight)
• Equipment
• Jury
• Competitors clothing, e.g.. costume, footwear, belt, and bandages.
The 80% Rule
At weigh in, you must give your starting attempts. Your start weights for the snatch and clean and jerk must total within 80% of your qualifying total or you will not be allowed to start. For the World Championships, OR if your entry total differentiates you between A and B (or C) sessions, the 80% rule applies to the entry total. If there are NO qualifying totals for an event, the 80% rule is not applied.
The IMWA Masters organize lifting in 11 (age) groups for men within each body
weight category. This would apply for World Championships. The age groups are
M35 age 35-39
M40 age 40-44
M45 age 45-49
M50 age 50-54
M55 age 55-60
M60 age 60-64
M65 age 65-69
M70 age 70-74
M75 age 75-79
M80 age 80-84
M85+ age 85 and up
(USA events allow age categories to continue to infinity: example M90, etc. and added the M30)
The IMWA Masters organize lifting in nine (9) age groups for women within each
body weight category. The age groups are
W35 age 35-39
W40 age 40-44
W45 age 45-49
W50 age 50-54
W55 age 55-59
W60 age 60-64
W65 age 65-69
W70 age 70-74
W75+ age 75 and above
(USA events allow age categories to continue to infinity: example W80, etc. and added the W30.)
A weightlifter can enter the Masters program on the 1st January in the year he
or she becomes 30 years of age (USA only) regardless of the fact that the birth date may be as
late as the 31st December. He or she may use the previous year as a qualifying period even though
they technically are not yet a Master lifter.
The same applies for entering a new age category the following year. The previous year may be used to qualify.
For additional IMWA Masters rules, please see: